Discovering India like WHOA: our halftime report

We're 8 days into our India trip and in awe of this country! It's been a nonstop feast for all of our senses since the moment we arrived. Everything we've experienced from the Taj Mahal at sunrise to parading through the village of Chandelao for a wedding procession has been filled with beautiful colors, warm people and a new, foreign culture full of tradition. 

Our local guide Vishu told us on the first day, we will come to see that India is a country full of contrasts. And with every day that passes, we truly understand what he means more and more. From the scents of masala and rich chai that locals offer us in their homes, to the smells of cows, pigs and goats who cause traffic jams on the streets we're cycling through- everything here is intense and stimulating. Every door with its intricate locks and bright peeling paint on the buildings to all the women with their intricate jewelry and bright saris are stunning pictures to be taken.  A simple walk down the street is full of characters and stories- each one told through colorful traditional clothing, lively Hindi conversations and storefronts packed with goods and locals. 

And one of the most shocking things? We've only just seen one part of Rajasthan, one of the 29 states of this country whose population is more than that of America and Europe combined...there is so much wonder to take in here!

It's hard to put into words what it feels like to walk through the camel festival in Pushkar or to be welcomed in to make pottery with a family in a small villages. Here are some pictures from our adventures so far... many more memories to come in the upcoming week! One thing is for sure, next November over Diwali, our inaugural India WHOA trip is going to be once-in-a-lifetime-epic! 

Namaste for now!

Danielle & Allison  
